Gotta get this off my Chest!
Published on February 4, 2004 By Sqnouiobffy In Blogging

Ok so im new at this but i have been told its quiet refreshing from a certain n00b.

So ok i'll start from the begining......

I met this guy about 8 months ago now, and from the first night i met him apparently i was told he liked me, i didn't find this out until a week later when we went round to his house and was hanging out with me, and a friend of mine thought she better warn me that he did cos her friend gave him my number, well in minuets of her telling me this a got a message off him and from then on it began.

now this guy is soooooo not the type of guy i would go for at all (which sometimes isn't a bad thing as i have recently found out), but we continued talking and he asked me out a few times and shit but i never took him up on it cos i didn't know him and i just thought nah i dunt want to i want to be his friends (yes ppl i used the friends line, do not judge me for it).

So neway at this stage hes really good friends with my guy friends so i was seeing him alot and we were all hanging out heaps, and one night we went out for a night in the city and he hooked up with this chick...i was a little pissed on the night but got over it, and we had a conversation about how i want him to go for it and not hold back because of me seeing as i dunt know what i want yet and i dunt want him regreting not doing nething with this female just because of me....

Well that Little relationship lasted prolly acouple of weeks and yes ppl she also usd the friends line to again he was back to seeing where we could go from there....but me being me was still unsure and kept saying no even though my head was all over the place (as i was trying to get over this jerk that really hurt me and pretty much hated males around this time but thast a whole different story).

So neway we kept talking and he kept trying but i kept saying no.....and i can admit it now that i said all that stuff because i was scared! i really was. i was scared of being with just one person, im not use to that, i have never had just one person all to myself, and i have never been the person to be with just the one...i like having my freedom and i liked going out and just seeing what happens, seeing who i would meet and who i would hook up with that night. without having any guilty feelings about hurting someone.....and i was scared of hurting him cos this guy is awesome he has become a really great friend and i didn't want to loose that and i new if back then i was to be with him i would have nded up hurting him.

But then things changed at some point i dunt know when but it was around the time i was going to watch him at his gigs (he plays drums in a band and hes really really good) and i saw him out with his friends and doing somthing that he really really loved and something in me changed i guess...
but then at the same time a friend of mine and his just announced to me that she liked him so me coming out and saying it was not a good idea because everyone assumed i was doing it cos she was, which was not the case because i had been thinking about it for neway acouple of weeks later we were all out and about and we kissed and i really enjoyed being with him, but see you have to understand with me after im with someone i go cold for like a week after. dunt ask me why i have alwasy been like that and i prolly always will.....

so for that week i ignored his messages and stuff and really screwed up, till the next weekend, we all met up at a nightclub and hung out and i ignored him once he left in the shits, and sent me a text message telling m he doesn't now what to do with me and that he likes me so much.....well that was a bad thing for him to do...for one i was really drunk...and two it was the week after just being with of course i told him i liked him alot but not like that!!!! big mistake....

so everthing sorta cooled down and we stopped talking for abit but were still mates an it was ok between us....until of course i started having feelings for him........but he had already moved onto my best friend and they had started hanging out and messaging each other me and my best friend had a few arguments over it but when it comes down to it hes just a guy.....

But it was around december and it was one of my friends birthday and we hired a limo and got all dressed up and the boys wore suits and i thought it was going to b a awesome night cos i thought yeah tonight ill sort things out with him and we'll b sweet.....well as it turns out that did not happen...cos he was after my best friend that night and she to was all over him and it really really hurt seeing that and they kissed apparently but still i "dunt" know about it......after that night me and him had a really really really big fight and stopped talking....

The day b4 new years eve i messaged him and said sorry for everything that happened and he said sorry and he spent new yars eve at the house i was house sitting over christmas and new years (by the way kick arse house), but at this stage he had a "girlfriend" so nothing could happen....(but we did spend the night on the couch cuddling and it was really nice).....i suppose the reason i messaged him and said sorry was because i missed him that time i wasn't speaking to him was weird and i have never missed anyone b4 in my life, i have had guys around but i have never missed any of thm when its over and im not with them nemore, this was different, for the past 8 month i have known this guy i have spoken to him at least every day or at least every 2 to 3 days, and that month not speaking or hearing from him was weird, that has never happened to me.

So he broke up with this "girlfriend" and we went out for his birthday at the end of january and nothing happened but we spoke that night thru messages when we got home and things were said and now he has turned it around and is like im over chicks and there games if u want to be with me one night then im up for nethign and you nevr know what will happen time will lie what am i some slapper who just sleeps with neone...i got very angry.....but tehn i calm down and was like right whatever.....but that just goes out the window cos he has already got back into the swing of things and is seeing one of his sisters friends

you see the thing that pisses me off is i only hear from him or get replys from him when hes not with neone.....and thast just not on....
I like this guy yes, i will admit it now, but im not hanging around for thsi type of shit...i won't do it again......

*************So neway that is my dilemma im very sorry if you all thought it was boring and i have wasted your time by making u read it, but i just needed to get it of my chest again sorry*************

and n00b i know what ur going to say so please dunt bother hehehehehe

on Feb 04, 2004
P.S sorry for spelling mistake....once i get on a roll i can't stop heheh sorry
on Feb 04, 2004
Good article Squiffy
